February 11-12, 2017
Part of Performance Now, a show on KCHUNG News Radio

KCHUNG Radio program "Performance Now" discusses the latest happenings in the world of performance art, hosted by John Tain and Carol Cheh. For this special episode they host two performances by legendary artist, dancer, choreographer, and writer Simone Forti. Forti will perform News Animations, a piece she developed in the mid-1980s that translates the imagery and language of newspaper reports and newscasts into improvised movement compositions.
Following Forti's Saturday performance, three recent video pieces by the artist will be screened, each a story of a body and voice navigating the comings and goings of the world. On Sunday, a discussion will take place after the performance between Forti and "Performance Now" hosts in the Museum Lecture Hall.
February 11 videos include:s
Zuma News, 2015
Flag in the Water, 2015
A Free Consultation, 2016